Comments on: My Ridiculous Correspondence With EzineArticles Tue, 18 Feb 2014 03:20:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Benjamin Tue, 18 Feb 2014 03:20:39 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/article/my-ridiculous-correspondence-with-ezinearticles/#comment-4711 They wrote back to me and said that my site wasn’t informative and very helpful. In short they are saying that they will not accept my article because my site is crap. I say, well I am only one person and just started the site so give me a break. We all can’t have a huge article site ripping off other people unique written content so we can gain financially from our advertisers and anyone who is pulled in by the scam of going premium. Ya bitches, screw ezinearticles. They seem to have gotten picky in my oppinion so that the more unique and helpful the content the better they keep high on the ranking etc.

By: MoneyOnline Sat, 14 Mar 2009 20:36:44 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/article/my-ridiculous-correspondence-with-ezinearticles/#comment-3107 Just stick to two links in the resource box…I have about 40 articles with them. The only ones that were rejected were when I placed the wrong name in the resource box….didn’t match one of my “pen names”, all were fixed and accepted.

By: brendam Tue, 20 Jan 2009 03:41:30 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/article/my-ridiculous-correspondence-with-ezinearticles/#comment-2932 I used to be a fan of ezines too…sigh, now almost every time I submit an article I get the same “problem” with article email back. Every time it says that my url is not correct. I do it exactly as they say I should in the guidelines. When I write to them, suddenly everything works and the article gets published.
But EVERY new article goes through the same rejection at least two times. I am so frustrated! I don’t know what the heck is going on over there but something is very wrong.

By: jen Wed, 14 May 2008 18:38:20 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/article/my-ridiculous-correspondence-with-ezinearticles/#comment-2404 I don’t have link at all. And they say I’m prmoting myself. I don’t know what is going on.

By: Scott Hendison Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:06:57 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/article/my-ridiculous-correspondence-with-ezinearticles/#comment-1550 Ya, they made me write [dot]com after the domain I was using as an example in a similar situation…
