Comments on: The Search Marketer Garden Club Sun, 04 May 2014 15:25:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: matthew@ workwear Wed, 20 Oct 2010 14:46:51 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=3481#comment-3822 For me Rand is the God of SEO.It;s no nonsense approach makes him stand out.He knows how to teach or importantly how to convey his messages.More importantly i like his research based approach.Actually success of SEOMOZ lies in that research based approach.I was a novice in SEO but i learned a lot from Rand’s articles,blogs or videos.,,Thanks Rand

By: Jim Rudnick Mon, 27 Sep 2010 20:18:22 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=3481#comment-3802 Hello Todd…
liked your piece above very much and while I’ve never met Rand, he played an important part of my own SEO education when he was one of THE voices over at SEOChat, a noted SEO forum….

and David H is just down the road from me up here in canuckland….so I know him as well….Matt and David and Mike B were just in Cleveland a month or two ago at the LocalU there…which I attended too…so dang nice to meet them all in person too, eh!

the thing is that IMHO, our “leaders” are too few…and yes, many have “dropped out” of circulation in forums/boards etc…a shame I believe…

still, I also see newbies coming up along the trail just behind me and think that this is a damn good thing too, eh!

and I just added this blog to my morning reading list too….clearly, there is much to be learned here is what I mean…so thanks Todd! muchly appreciated lad!


