Comments on: The Syndication of SEO Celebrity Thu, 20 Mar 2008 05:33:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: randfish Thu, 20 Mar 2008 05:33:29 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/announcements/the-syndication-of-seo-celebrity/#comment-2154 With 2045 members as of today, it really is the case – I personally know maybe 200 and 400 have potentially heard of me personally (prior to having a brand association with SEOmoz). But, yeah – it’s not about celebrity. The word-of-mouth about the brand spreads much better than the word of mouth about the individual.

By: Scott Hendison Thu, 20 Mar 2008 00:05:04 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/announcements/the-syndication-of-seo-celebrity/#comment-2152 Thanks Aaron, that’s what I figured. I know Rand’s info comes from a survey, but I’m skeptical, and that’s why I asked.

There’s a community called SEO Black Hat? Really? I’ve never heard of it either… 😉

By: aaron wall Wed, 19 Mar 2008 22:38:51 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/announcements/the-syndication-of-seo-celebrity/#comment-2151 I would say that over 60% of my customers probably know me by name…probably more like 75% to 80%.

By: Federal Watch Wed, 19 Mar 2008 22:09:42 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/announcements/the-syndication-of-seo-celebrity/#comment-2150 hahaha..I agree with you todd when you mentioned that both Rand and Aaron despise the term “SEO celebrities”..^^

By: Todd Mintz Wed, 19 Mar 2008 20:31:30 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/announcements/the-syndication-of-seo-celebrity/#comment-2149 Rand, I’ll take your survey numbers at face value, though they don’t “feel” right to me.

Because you are one of the most visible members of our community, anything you promote will be in front of a large number of people and just about all of the SEO “linkerati”. Your tremendous influence can get your premium services to a necessary critical mass of people where it would have a chance of being financially viable. Very few folks can leverage that amount of influence. If your product wasn’t any good, your visibility couldn’t make it succeed but your visibility can get a large number of people to evaluate your premium services in order to make a buying decision.

Sure there are other premium services but the bulk of the marketing momentum for both you & Aaron would seem to come from extending your personal brand (unlike the others with the possible exception of SEOBlackHat which I’m not too familiar with).

By: randfish Wed, 19 Mar 2008 19:17:17 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/announcements/the-syndication-of-seo-celebrity/#comment-2148 Todd – the only point I’d add to this is that in a survey of our members, only about 20% know who I am personally, and less than 10% are people I’ve met in person. I suspect those numbers are even smaller for Aaron.

Let’s not forget that there are many other subscription services in the SEO field – WebmasterWorld being the most obvious, SEOBlackHat, Hubspot, Market Motive, etc.

The “celebrity” notion to me is fun and it’s interesting, but I don’t think celebrity can power a business model like this – the product has to speak for itself. The “celebrity” element, to whatever degree it exists, does very little for the value of the subscription.
