Comments on: SearchFest 2009: Site Analytics Session with Eric T. Peterson Wed, 11 Mar 2009 02:38:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Internet Strategist Wed, 11 Mar 2009 02:38:21 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=1220#comment-3073 Would you consider adding the dates, times and other pertinent information about when and where this event will be held so those landing on this post won’t have to search all over the site for it?

Yes, I DO realize this site is for the event and it is probably in Portland but I don’t see any obvious details concerning the date and time anywhere. I tried clicking on Join Us and a few other links but didn’t come across the information.

Making it REALLY easy to find could increase the number who attend. Many of your visitors may have even less time to look around than I do. It would be too bad if someone were to read the post and not realize they could attend because they didn’t go searching for the answers to my questions. Thank you.

Internet Strategists last blog post..Why Affiliate Site Sales Do NOT Match Google Analytics Conversions
