Comments on: SMX Advanced 2008 – Top 10 Nuggets of Knowledge Tue, 12 Nov 2019 17:28:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scott Hendison Tue, 24 Jun 2008 14:21:11 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=369#comment-2497 Scott S – Well, the only time frame that everyone agrees upon is “the older the better” – but, we still don’t know if there’s a “clock reset” of any kind, if the anchor text changes (I suspect not) or the target url changes (I suspect so).

By: Scott Salwolke Mon, 16 Jun 2008 04:02:12 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=369#comment-2471 Scott thanks for the recap. As someone who doesn’t attend conferences because of my schedule it’s helpful to hear what is going on and what the latest news is. As for the age of the links to your site, has anyone come up with a time frame.

By: Scott Thu, 12 Jun 2008 22:55:40 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=369#comment-2465 Thank David – You know, I guess I never realized it before, but I had always recommended joining lots of local groups for local clients (getting a link) and those links, (whatever the anchor text) always did help.

But supposedly, where you host your site isn’t supposed to matter, right?

However, what if the site linking to you (that’s physically right down the block) is hosted across the country? Is it really less valuable then?

That seems silly, but if so, there’s a strong case to be made for everyone to host locally, right?

Maybe Matt will weigh in?

By: David Mihm Thu, 12 Jun 2008 21:08:37 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=369#comment-2464 Scott, what a nice, concise summary of the conference. I’m working on mine right now as well & I pulled some of the same things you did as the biggest takeaways. The “Where you search from” to me was not as interesting as “where links are coming from.” I found Richard Zwicky’s assertion that links to a site based in Washington State from another site with an IP address in Washington State are more valuable particularly interesting.

By: Todd Mintz Thu, 12 Jun 2008 18:33:25 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=369#comment-2462 C’mon Scott, you know that Doug’s only here for the do follow links :.)

By: Doug Heil Wed, 11 Jun 2008 17:12:18 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=369#comment-2452 Scott; You say my name came up about controversy? Heck; have you read the many submissions at that spin website owned by the same person who runs that conference? Come on now; if you think little doug heil is creating controversy, I invite you to take a read at some of those SEO type blog posts. My goodness; what a whole lot of bullocks and BS and crap. Words cannot describe the crap.

Matter of fact; I just took a call from a SEO who has been in this industry for about as long as I have, but with a low profile. He called me specifically to introduce himself and to tell me he agrees totally with me about ALL things about this industry and what I write. Go figure? He’s from Canada and he aTTENDED the conference you speak about. He totally hated it. He also is posting in the Lisa Barone thread and just cannot believe the sorry people who praised that lyndon character and who also make up the “majority” of spin members. That’s a fact.

You can ridicule and talk about me all you want… and I want you to do so, but just remember that there are many more in this industry who do agree with me about most things. That’s another fact.

By: Doug Heil Wed, 11 Jun 2008 17:03:23 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=369#comment-2451 That’s great to hear although I don’t create as I don’t have to. You all make the most pitiful posts , and do so on a daily basis.

Trust me bud; I’m not the only one who thinks those conferences are total crapola. I’m just the only one who seems to call you all out about it. You need to expand your knowledge about actually WHO makes up this industry. You would soon realize that conference goers are a VERY small part of it. …. and for good reasons.

BTW: I’m happy I’m known at the conference. It gives me the warm fuzzie-wuzzies. LOL

By: Scott Hendison Wed, 11 Jun 2008 16:52:29 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=369#comment-2450 I didn’t say that was “all I learned”, I just picked out some specifics, and made a post.

However, I did have a real interesting conversation with someone at the SEOmoz party about the tactic of wasting people’s time by creating controversy just for the sake of controversy, and guess whose name was the first one to come up?

Thanks for your input…

By: Doug Heil Wed, 11 Jun 2008 16:27:03 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=369#comment-2449 If this all you learned, I’m not sure the dollar amount of attending is worth it. Matter of fact, I know it’s not. You could have learned many of the things you wrote about in places out there for free. I guess people like “rand” make it more credible, huh? 🙂
