Comments on: Parasitic SEO: InstallAware’s Competitor Attacks Using Negative SEO Tricks Wed, 10 Jun 2015 11:51:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Wed, 10 Jun 2015 11:51:56 +0000 Same tactic is also be employed by Governments; They invent a dumb law or policy to coverup failures – then they employ or submit content for news services that promote related keywords. Idiots follow the news services story and the rest is history so to say.
If the rules of engagement and society are used then any reply that debunks myths will be attacked by the uneducated (because you cant compete with someone who will always do the wrong thing when your always forced to be doing the right thing).
I would suggest submitting articles that point to the fact the initial Dell site is flawed and anyone that thinks there is any kind of security in Microsoft products is simply uneducated or on some kind of substance of which even the Mob cant acquire because its that good. (The email notification of issue is a good start – for too long these things have been hidden away; I do feel for you because I have had the exact same experience and its not very nice)

By: Michael Cottam Tue, 09 Jun 2015 16:16:45 +0000 Hi Dave, thanks for your comment. Building links to discussions on places like Stack Overflow or GitHub is a good idea (either by manually building the links, or engaging in ongoing discussions, so people will link to those pages there, as you suggest).

By: Jon Arnett Tue, 09 Jun 2015 14:44:49 +0000 Because InstallAware is ten times easier to figure out and use than InstallShield, there probably has not really been a reason to cultivate a giant support community. I have always been able to quickly find answers to any questions that I have had on the InstallAware forum, usually complimented with an example or small download.

I would never use InstallShield over InstallAware unless I was somehow forced to by a company I worked for. Then I would most likely look for somewhere else to work where I could be much more productive.

Building installers is not enjoyable at all to me, but InstallAware at least makes the task palatable.
