All Items Tagged as at SEMpdx Tue, 31 Dec 2019 21:45:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 All Items Tagged as at SEMpdx 32 32 SEMpdx’s Featured Member Profile for November 2014 Tue, 04 Nov 2014 00:05:48 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=14172 Welcome to SEMpdx’s featured member profile post for November. Before we get to this month’s featured member interview, I wanted to quickly welcome new and renewing SEMpdx members: Lani Farnmorth (new), Spyker Media (renewing), SQ1 Portland (new), Speedy Septic Service (new), University of Western States (new), and KOIN Channel 6 (new)*. This month’s featured member

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The post SEMpdx’s Featured Member Profile for November 2014 appeared first on SEMpdx.

Welcome to SEMpdx’s featured member profile post for November. Before we get to this month’s featured member interview, I wanted to quickly welcome new and renewing SEMpdx members:

Lani Farnmorth (new), Spyker Media (renewing), SQ1 Portland (new), Speedy Septic Service (new), University of Western States (new), and KOIN Channel 6 (new)*.

This month’s featured member is Sue Hughes from Resolutions, Inc.

As criteria for selection, SEMpdx members must have a completed profile in our membership directory, and then we randomly select a member. More information about completing a member profile is at the bottom of this post. In addition to the member profile that is shared on our website and newsletter, featured members will receive complimentary ticket to that month’s educational event.

We emailed Sue some questions. Here are excerpts, edited for brevity and clarity:

Picture of Sue Hughes of Resolutions, Inc.
Sue Hughes owns and operates Resolutions, Inc., a firm specializing in printed collateral and website development

How long have you been in business?

20 never-a-dull-moment years.

What does the business do?

My business creates professional print collateral and develops websites.

What is the size of your company?

Solopreneur. I operate as a virtual company for websites.

What are your specialties?

Independent print and/or web designer, complete marketing packages, project manager

Who is your ideal client?

Someone who doesn’t ask me how much it’s going to cost.

What you do you want your peers to say about you?

That I am reliable and do good work.

How long have you been an SEMpdx member?

Since 2013.

Why did you join SEMpdx?

For the discount to SearchFest and I thought it would propel me to network with the SEO crowd.

What is the best thing about being an SEMpdx member?

Gaining knowledge through reading the newsletter.

What predictions do you have for the future of digital marketing?

It’s going to get more complicated and people’s skillsets more refined.


Thanks to Sue for her time and responses. Be sure to say hello to Sue at next week’s event, Nov. 11, with Portent’s Josh Patrice discussing the importance of Conversion Rate Optimization.

Video Tutorial for Updating Your SEMpdx Membership Profile

Want to enter your name for next month’s SEMpdx Membership Profile? You need to have a completed profile in the SEMpdx membership directory. Watch this video tutorial for how to update or complete your SEMpdx membership profile:

*SEMpdx’s favorite weatherman Bruce Sussman was formerly with KOIN.

The post SEMpdx’s Featured Member Profile for November 2014 appeared first on SEMpdx.

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SEMpdx’s Featured Member Profile for October 2014 Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:46:11 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=13933 Howdy, I am Nathan Isaacs, the membership chair for SEMpdx. We are starting a new initiative to recognize members beginning this month. As criteria for selection, SEMpdx members must have a completed profile in our membership directory, and then we randomly select a member. More information about completing a member profile is at the bottom

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The post SEMpdx’s Featured Member Profile for October 2014 appeared first on SEMpdx.

Howdy, I am Nathan Isaacs, the membership chair for SEMpdx. We are starting a new initiative to recognize members beginning this month.

As criteria for selection, SEMpdx members must have a completed profile in our membership directory, and then we randomly select a member. More information about completing a member profile is at the bottom of this post. In addition to the member profile that is shared on our website and newsletter, featured members will receive complimentary tickets to that month’s educational event.

October’s featured member is Evergreen Media, based in Ridgefield, Wash. We emailed some questions to Jared More, Evergreen Media’s owner. Here are excerpts, edited for brevity and clarity:

Picture head shot of Jared More, Owner/President of Evergreen Media
Jared More, Owner/President of Evergreen Media

How long have you been in business?

Evergreen Media Co. has been in business since September 2013.

What does the business do?

Evergreen Media Co. is a digital marketing agency specializing in marketing drug and alcohol treatment centers and other health care businesses. Our approach is holistic and we take on a few clients at a time and use a wide variety of tactics to execute a long term strategy. Our tactics include goal driven PPC and paid advertising, content development of all types, conversion attribution and optimization and website design with a focus on user experience.

What is the size of your company?

Evergreen Media Co. is a small company with less than five employees. We are looking for part time web developer and a part time content strategist.

What are your specialties?

Our specialties are Organic Search Marketing and Pay Per Click Strategy in marketing drug and alcohol treatment centers. We have recently expanded into other health care verticals including Elder care and Assisted Living.

Who is your ideal client?

Our search marketing clients are small to mid-sized businesses that know each problem has many workable solutions. Our strategies are innovative, creative and enduring so our clients should be also. We are constantly learning so we can be on the cutting edge of what works in online marketing – even on the leading edge. Our clients have to be willing to think outside the box and do what their competitors are not doing – or will not do. Our clients are not afraid to go against the grain. Our clients are not afraid to have fun, or generate buzz and controversy in their industry. Our clients are not afraid to take risks. Our clients are mutual trusting partners with us. They are sticklers for results, but understand the value in committing to a plan and following through.

What you do you want your peers to say about you?

I deliver on quality and results.

How long have you been an SEMpdx member?

Since 2010

Why did you join SEMpdx?

To meet other digital marketing professionals in my area!

What is the best thing about being an SEMpdx member?

Discounts and free drinks. Oh and also the GREAT community of people. My company has also received contracts directly related to our being an SEMPDX member.

What predictions do you have for the future of digital marketing?

If there is anything I have learned from being a digital marketing professional for more than 10 years is that it is an industry that is constantly changing. However, the fundamentals are the same now as they were 13 years ago when I started.

I predict the future will only grow and mature digital marketing into an industry with more true professionals and also specialized trainings and degrees. Digital marketing still has a lot of Wild West ingrained within it. As more people understand it and take it seriously as an essential platform, it will lead to a more transparent – yet more difficult field to become an expert in. I believe the days of games and tricks are over, and the people with the real talent will begin to stand out and our industry will gain the respect it deserves.

Watch our video tutorial for how to update your membership profile.


Video Tutorial for Updating Your SEMpdx Membership Profile

Want to enter your name for next month’s SEMpdx Membership Profile? You need to have a completed profile in the SEMpdx membership directory. Watch this video tutorial for how to update or complete your SEMpdx membership profile:

The post SEMpdx’s Featured Member Profile for October 2014 appeared first on SEMpdx.

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