Everything by Jessica Ward at SEMpdx - 3 Tue, 31 Dec 2019 21:45:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.sempdx.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/sempdx-favicon-150x150.png Everything by Jessica Ward at SEMpdx - 3 32 32 Rachel Peters – September 2017 Member of the Month https://www.sempdx.org/blog/rachel-peters-september-2017-member-of-the-month/ https://www.sempdx.org/blog/rachel-peters-september-2017-member-of-the-month/#respond Fri, 01 Sep 2017 07:01:08 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=21814 September is here and with it comes our Monthly Events and a new Member of the Month, Rachel Peters! Rachel does Strategic Communications at Cambia Health Solutions, is headquartered in Portland and dedicated to transforming health care. In order to get to know her better, we asked her all the important questions and are sharing

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Rachel Peters

September is here and with it comes our Monthly Events and a new Member of the Month, Rachel Peters! Rachel does Strategic Communications at Cambia Health Solutions, is headquartered in Portland and dedicated to transforming health care. In order to get to know her better, we asked her all the important questions and are sharing them with you.

About Rachel Peters

Area(s) of Expertise
“Analytics, Social Media, Content Marketing”

What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“I like that digital marketing combines so many different disciplines and is always evolving with creative solutions to fit changing parameters.”

What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?
“Take classes in as many different areas as you can. Try a few things out and grow your skill set. I took classes in literature, linguistics, web development, document design, advertising…I use skills from each of these classes almost every day. I would also suggest starting your own side project to test out and explore new skills beyond the classroom.”


Why are you a member of SEMpdx?
“It’s a great way to connect with the community and keep up with the latest trends and ideas in digital marketing.”

Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
Larry Kim at the member appreciation event—he’s a legend!”

If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
“I would love to hear someone who has found success in breaking down silos and truly integrating PR, web developers, editors, writers, marketers into one cohesive workstream. Not sure if this person exists :)”


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“Art therapy or linguistics research.”

Favorite Beverage and why?
“London Fog (Earl Grey latte)—it’s cozy and a little indulgent.”

To Bacon or Not to Bacon?

Thanks, Rachel!

Make sure to find Rachel at our next event and congratulate her on her status of Member of the Month!

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Adam Krumbein – June 2017 Member of the Month https://www.sempdx.org/blog/adam-krumbein-june-2017-member-of-the-month/ https://www.sempdx.org/blog/adam-krumbein-june-2017-member-of-the-month/#respond Thu, 01 Jun 2017 07:01:40 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=21810 June is the last month before our summer break! So Adam Krumbein will be our last Member of the Month until September. Adam is the Marketing Director at Southwest Antennas, which specializes in the design and manufacture of high-performance broadband RF and Microwave antennas. In order to get to know him better, we asked him

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Adam Krumbein

June is the last month before our summer break! So Adam Krumbein will be our last Member of the Month until September. Adam is the Marketing Director at Southwest Antennas, which specializes in the design and manufacture of high-performance broadband RF and Microwave antennas. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are sharing them with you.

About Adam Krumbein

Area(s) of Expertise
“Email Marketing, SEO, Sales Pipeline Development”

What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“One of my favorite things about digital marketing is the interaction with the end users and customers. I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing the projects I work on help our customers solve their problems while at the same time helping my company grow. I’m very lucky with my current position to not only get to work on typical strategic marketing objectives and projects but I get a lot of first-hand interaction with our customers, who are just fantastic. I work in a technical market and this challenges me every day to learn about topics far beyond typical core marketing specialties.”

What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?
“I’d recommend trying to discover the areas of marketing that really interest you and spend time learning about those subjects on your own – almost nothing I do on a daily basis in my current career was covered in college marketing courses. The internet makes it easy to set up a website, Facebook page, Instagram account, etc. and just experiment with things. Getting involved with your school’s internship and career development program is also a great way to connect with employers and mentors who want to help students learn and grow. If you can get practical experience and are given some room to experiment and learn you’ll quickly discover what areas of marketing you enjoy working in.”


Why are you a member of SEMpdx?
“I really enjoy the opportunity to network with other people who work in similar positions and face similar types of challenges that I do. Being able to exchange ideas with people in the same field but with different skill sets and experience is an invaluable growth and learning opportunity.”

Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
“Every speaker has been worth hearing and I always walk away having learned something new, but Personal Branding with Mel Carson jumps out to me as a particularly good event, as it was a nice reminder to put a bit of the same effort into yourself as you put into your everyday work.”

Have you been to Engage (formerly SearchFest) and how many have you attended?
“Yes, about six times. I’ve missed a few years here and there.”

If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
“From the business world, I’d love to hear Howard Schultz speak because what he did to help build contemporary coffee culture in the United States, along with his company’s brand, is simply amazing no matter how you might feel about their coffee.

Anthony Bourdain would be another person very high on my list, as he just seems like a really interesting guy who has seen a lot of “things” in his life.”


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“I think I’d like to be an architect, designing structures that people physically interact with would be very interesting. My great great grandfather Justus Krumbein was an architect here in Portland in the 1800s and designed many buildings that are still around today, so it would be interesting to have the same long-lasting impact.”

Favorite Beverage and why?
“A really good cup of coffee.”

To Bacon or Not to Bacon?

Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“I’m going to be a dad soon! So excited to help my kid learn and experience all the great things in our world.”

Thanks, Adam!

Make sure to find Adam at our next event and congratulate him on his status of Member of the Month!

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Michael Rasko – May 2017 Member of the Month https://www.sempdx.org/blog/michael-rasko-may-2017-member-of-the-month/ https://www.sempdx.org/blog/michael-rasko-may-2017-member-of-the-month/#respond Tue, 02 May 2017 04:33:30 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=21726 May is Member Appreciation Month for SEMpdx and our newest Member of the Month is Michael Rasko. Michael is the Marketing Manager of Jordan Ramis PC, a Portland-based law firm that offers a comprehensive package of legal services in Dirt Law, Business Law, Local Government Law, and Litigation and Dispute Resolution. In order to get

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Michael Rasko

May is Member Appreciation Month for SEMpdx and our newest Member of the Month is Michael Rasko. Michael is the Marketing Manager of Jordan Ramis PC, a Portland-based law firm that offers a comprehensive package of legal services in Dirt Law, Business Law, Local Government Law, and Litigation and Dispute Resolution. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are sharing them with you.

About Michael Rasko

Area(s) of Expertise

“Analytics, PPC, SEO”

What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?

“The analytics. I was never a math guy when I was in school, but now that I’m older I’m really drawn to the quantitative aspect of this work. It’s just far more tangible than sales spin. And it is absolutely fascinating what you can learn about people by their actions online.”

What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?

“Get a Lynda.com account or some other education subscription. You can now get Lynda for free through the Multnomah County Library, so there really are no more excuses not to be self-taught. You’re gonna get caught in an experience gap coming out of college where no one will trust you to do things that you haven’t done before. Being able to understand the tasks of digital marketing and talk about them intelligently–even if you’ve never done the actual work on behalf of a company–will help you to close that gap. Additionally, this business changes so fast. What will be required of marketers once most homes have an Alexa or Google Home? You can’t just rely on what you learned in college to be able to answer that question. You gotta keep up and keep learning.”


Why are you a member of SEMpdx?

“To get discounts and meet others in the industry. It makes financial sense for the discount to Engage Conference alone, and everything after that is just bonus.”

Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?

Dennis Yu. That guy is next level. I liked his technique of abandoning slides and just walking people through what he does. It’s risky because it’s far more likely that something you intended to demonstrate will have an error in it, but I think it works better in teaching.”

Have you been to Engage (formerly SearchFest) and how many have you attended?

“I went to the most recent one. I plan to go every year. I just haven’t in past years because I’m a relatively new member and only became aware of it through joining this organization.”

If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?

“Work-related: The leader of the team that authored the latest Google algorithm so I could get a first-hand account of the changes and why they are happening instead of having to rely on the guess-work of bloggers.

“Not work-related: Lin-Manuel Miranda. I’m just a big fan of his work.”


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?

“I used to work in video editing. I would probably still be doing that if I didn’t make the career change.”

Favorite Beverage and why?

“Coca-cola. I don’t drink it often because it’s loaded with sugar, but there really is no flavor more refreshing.”

To Bacon or Not to Bacon?


Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?

“In addition to working as the head of marketing for Jordan Ramis PC, I’m also on the board of Friends of the Multnomah County Library and I just can’t resist giving them a plug. Also, people are welcome to hit me up on Linkedin if they have questions or would like to chat about something.”

Thanks, Michael!

Make sure to find Michael at our next event and congratulate him on his status of Member of the Month!

The post Michael Rasko – May 2017 Member of the Month appeared first on SEMpdx.

https://www.sempdx.org/blog/michael-rasko-may-2017-member-of-the-month/feed/ 0
Danielle Hickey-Duhon – April 2017 Member of the Month https://www.sempdx.org/blog/danielle-hickey-duhon-april-2017-member-of-the-month/ https://www.sempdx.org/blog/danielle-hickey-duhon-april-2017-member-of-the-month/#comments Sat, 01 Apr 2017 20:01:35 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=21547 This is not a joke. Our April Member of the Month is Danielle Hickey-Duhon! Danielle is an Account Manager at Obility, an agency providing B2B demand generation and inbound marketing services in Portland, OR. In order to get to know her better, we asked her all the important questions and are sharing them with you.

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Danielle Hickey-Duhon

This is not a joke. Our April Member of the Month is Danielle Hickey-Duhon! Danielle is an Account Manager at Obility, an agency providing B2B demand generation and inbound marketing services in Portland, OR. In order to get to know her better, we asked her all the important questions and are sharing them with you.

About Danielle Hickey-Duhon

Area(s) of Expertise
“Analytics, SEO, Social Media”

What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“Digital Marketing helps businesses of all kinds reach people searching for solutions who would otherwise spend more time researching and less time investing in their customers.”

What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?

“Be open to all opportunities and possibilities. Do not pigeon hole yourself into one track early in your career.”


Why are you a member of SEMpdx?

“Good people and fun events!”

Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
Brent Csutoras was great! His presentation was entertaining and provided good tips on how to use content in social.”

If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
“That’s a tough one, there are so many knowledgeable people I want to learn from.”


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“Architectural Photographer.”

Favorite Beverage and why?
“Pinot Noir.”

To Bacon or Not to Bacon?

Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“I am a board member at the Architectural Heritage Center. For anyone interested in preservation, community advocacy or likes to visits museums, this is a great organization to check out! We have regular education programs about Portland architecture and our neighborhoods where I always learn something new about Portland.”

Thanks, Danielle!

Make sure to seek out Danielle at the next SEMpdx event and congratulate her on her status of Member of the Month!

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https://www.sempdx.org/blog/danielle-hickey-duhon-april-2017-member-of-the-month/feed/ 1
Tsering Alleyne – March 2017 Member of the Month https://www.sempdx.org/blog/tsering-alleyne-march-2017-member-of-the-month/ https://www.sempdx.org/blog/tsering-alleyne-march-2017-member-of-the-month/#respond Wed, 01 Mar 2017 08:00:21 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=21285 Before all the March Madness begins, we want to let you know about our March Member of the Month, Tsering Alleyne! Tsering is the Marketing Director of HitchSource, an online retailer based in Hood River, OR that specializes in Trailer Hitches, RV Accessories, Tow Bars, Bike Racks and Trailer Hitch Accessories. In order to get

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Tsering Alleyne

Before all the March Madness begins, we want to let you know about our March Member of the Month, Tsering Alleyne! Tsering is the Marketing Director of HitchSource, an online retailer based in Hood River, OR that specializes in Trailer Hitches, RV Accessories, Tow Bars, Bike Racks and Trailer Hitch Accessories. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are sharing them with you.

About Tsering Alleyne

Area(s) of Expertise
“Email Marketing, PPC, Social Ads”

What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“I really like that digital marketing offers the ability to target and connect with customers looking to learn about exactly what you have to sell. Being creative and having the ability for instant feedback also make the work fun and rewarding.”

What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?

“Start educating yourself. Digital marketing is a speeding train, the sooner you realize this and start getting up to speed the more valuable you will be.”


Why are you a member of SEMpdx?

“So I can stay on the train. Its tough to manage your day to day tasks and professional development. At a small company you wear many hats. SEMpdx keeps me engaged in the broader field of digital marketing and aware of whats coming next so I can have the competitive edge in my market. It’s also just fun to hang out with a bunch of marketing geeks who speak the same language. “

Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
“To be honest, I don’t think I have been able to make a monthly speaker. I have tried to make a few of them, but I’m out in Hood River and recently travel on the 84 has been daunting. I have made it to the member mixers and I did really enjoy Larry Kim at SearchFest last year.”

Have you been to Engage (formerly SearchFest) and how many have you attended?
“I went for the first time last year and will be attending the 2017 Engage conference.”

If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
“It would be pretty cool to see Guy Kawasaki speak at an SEMpdx event. “


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“Probably trying to find a way to make a living traveling and racing mountain bikes.”

Favorite Beverage and why?
“Coffee in the morning to be productive and a craft beer in the evening to let it all go.”

To Bacon or Not to Bacon?

Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“I have found that the occasional digital detox is key to keeping it fun. If I’m having fun I am more motivated and successful.”

Thanks, Tsering!

Make sure to find Tsering at Engage on March 9th to congratulate him on his status of Member of the Month!

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https://www.sempdx.org/blog/tsering-alleyne-march-2017-member-of-the-month/feed/ 0
Nick Footer – February 2017 Member of the Month https://www.sempdx.org/blog/nick-footer-february-2017-member-of-the-month/ https://www.sempdx.org/blog/nick-footer-february-2017-member-of-the-month/#respond Wed, 01 Feb 2017 11:00:35 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=21099 February is here and we have a new crush, Nick Footer. Nick is the President & Founder of Intuitive Digital, a digital marketing agency based in Portland, OR that specializes in SEO, PPC, Web Design, and Social Media. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are

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Nick Footer
LinkedIn Twitter

February is here and we have a new crush, Nick Footer. Nick is the President & Founder of Intuitive Digital, a digital marketing agency based in Portland, OR that specializes in SEO, PPC, Web Design, and Social Media. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are sharing them with you.

About Nick Footer

Area(s) of Expertise
“Analytics, PPC, SEO”

What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“With the recent improvements in paid social ad platforms, I like the ability to creatively target people who fit into our targeted personas in ways never possible with search alone.”

What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?

“No matter what you do, find something that gets you excited. Life is too short to do boring, unfulfilling work. For hiring, we look for students who have created their own websites, are engaged in social media, and have taken the time to get their Google certifications.”


Why are you a member of SEMpdx?

“Love the regular events and Engage conference. It helps me stay connected with smart local digital marketing folks and friends.”

Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
David Mihm has been a presenter a few times and I’ve really enjoyed his local SEO talks. I always come out of them with a handful of new ideas to test for our partners.”

Have you been to Engage (formerly SearchFest) and how many have you attended?
“I’ve been to the last 5 SearchFest conferences and have my ticket for 2017. Can’t wait!”

If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
Richard E. Boyatzis – Author of Resonant Leadership my favorite all time business books for anyone in a leadership role.”


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“Probably run a coffee roasting company. Maybe something like: starshipcoffee.com as they have a killer brand and yummy coffees. “

Favorite Beverage and why?
“Coffee as it gives me a burst of caffeine and keeps me moving throughout the day. “

To Bacon or Not to Bacon?

Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“We are always looking to speak with other agencies and people who might want to work with us in the future. I love learning about other people and companies to find creative ways to do digital better for our partners in the future.”

Thanks, Nick!

Make sure to congratulate Nick on his status of Member of the Month at our next event and Engage!

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Quarterly Member Mixer – July 20, 2017 https://www.sempdx.org/sempdx-events/quarterly-member-mixer-july-20-2017/ https://www.sempdx.org/sempdx-events/quarterly-member-mixer-july-20-2017/#respond Wed, 18 Jan 2017 21:56:09 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=20304 Open to ALL SEMpdx members! Join us at Migration Brewing on July 20th for our Quarterly Member Mixer. This event will be a great opportunity for members to get to know each other and the SEMpdx Board.

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Open to ALL SEMpdx members! Join us at Migration Brewing on July 20th for our Quarterly Member Mixer. This event will be a great opportunity for members to get to know each other and the SEMpdx Board.

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Quarterly Member Mixer – April 20, 2017 https://www.sempdx.org/sempdx-events/past-events/quarterly-member-mixer-april-20-2017/ https://www.sempdx.org/sempdx-events/past-events/quarterly-member-mixer-april-20-2017/#respond Mon, 09 Jan 2017 21:59:42 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=20302 Open to ALL SEMpdx members! Join us at Migration Brewing on April 20th for our Quarterly Member Mixer. This event will be a great opportunity for members to get to know each other and the SEMpdx Board.

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Open to ALL SEMpdx members! Join us at Migration Brewing on April 20th for our Quarterly Member Mixer. This event will be a great opportunity for members to get to know each other and the SEMpdx Board.

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Mike Arnesen – January 2017 Member of the Month https://www.sempdx.org/blog/mike-arnesen-january-2017-member-of-the-month/ https://www.sempdx.org/blog/mike-arnesen-january-2017-member-of-the-month/#respond Sun, 01 Jan 2017 08:00:15 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=20238 Happy New Year! We’re excited to announce our first Member of the Month, Mike Arnesen. Mike is the Founder & CEO of UpBuild, an end-to-end optimization (SEO, analytics & CRO) agency based in Portland, OR. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are sharing them with

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Mike Arnesen
LinkedIn Twitter

Happy New Year! We’re excited to announce our first Member of the Month, Mike Arnesen. Mike is the Founder & CEO of UpBuild, an end-to-end optimization (SEO, analytics & CRO) agency based in Portland, OR. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are sharing them with you.

About Mike Arnesen

Area(s) of Expertise
“Analytics, SEO, CRO”

What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“The ability to affect change and see results in near-real-time. The Internet is amazing! No joke.”

What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?

“Just get started! The barrier to entry in digital marketing is so low that it may as well not exist. You don’t need a fancy college degree and you don’t need expensive tools or software licences either. You don’t even need an employer.

“All the answers to digital marketing’s questions are out there; you just have to learn how to search for them and practice seeking them day in and day out. Once you learn how to clarify the problem you need solved and you can define the expected output, you can translate that into a search query (or more likely many successive search queries) and discover the solution — either the exact solution that someone else has already developed and shared or enough similar solutions that will give you the raw material you need to synthesize something of your own.

“Aside from that, it’s all about doing the work. Get your hands dirty with as much as you can. Experiment with everything. The instant feedback loop offered by our digital environment makes experimenting, learning, and growing accessible to everyone. All you need is some innate curiosity and the desire to do good work.”


Why are you a member of SEMpdx?

“SEMpdx is the reason that I am where I am today. Years ago when I was just a web developer with an emerging interest in search marketing, my boss sent me to an SEMpdx event with the condition that I had to come back with a notebook full of notes to justify the expense. I learned so much the first time that I became permanently hooked.

Years later, I would connect with the founders of SwellPath through the SEMpdx LinkedIn group and the rest is history (I was with SwellPath for 5+ years until their acquisition and then founded UpBuild).

SEMpdx also gave me one of my first public speaking gigs.”

Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
Jonathon Colman. He’s a super geeky introvert who can rock a stage with the best speakers in the world. Watching him speak is always inspiring.”

Have you been to Engage (formerly SearchFest) and how many have you attended?
“5 or 6!”

If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
Matt Mullenweg, one of the founding developers of WordPress. Aside from being an all-around super interesting guy, he also created a framework that now powers over 25% of the Internet. Hearing his take on digital marketing.”


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“If I wasn’t able to do anything related to search marketing, I think I’d want to be a developer. I’ve love getting lost in code and peeling back the layers of how something works. If I wasn’t the CEO of UpBuild, I’d spend my days as a freelance developer writing and perfecting lines of code from coffee shops all over the world. It would be pretty great.”

Favorite Beverage and why?
“Green tea.”

To Bacon or Not to Bacon?
“Hell, no! Been vegan for more than half my life.”

Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“I recently ditched typing the QWERTY layout in favor of typing Dvorak. If you’re interested in efficiency and optimization (which I know you are), you should definitely check it out. DVzine.org has a great primer on Dvorak! “

Thanks, Mike!

Make sure to congratulate Mike on his status of Member of the Month at our next event!

The post Mike Arnesen – January 2017 Member of the Month appeared first on SEMpdx.

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Ron McCabe – December 2016 Member of the Month https://www.sempdx.org/blog/ron-mccabe-december-2016-member-of-the-month/ https://www.sempdx.org/blog/ron-mccabe-december-2016-member-of-the-month/#respond Fri, 02 Dec 2016 21:43:55 +0000 http://sempdx-v2.local/?p=20130 Welcome to December Everyone! Let’s also welcome our new Member of the Month, Ron McCabe. Ron is the President of Everbearing Services, an agency based in Portland, OR that helps with all aspects of internet marketing. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are sharing them

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The post Ron McCabe – December 2016 Member of the Month appeared first on SEMpdx.

Mia McMahon
LinkedIn Twitter

Welcome to December Everyone! Let’s also welcome our new Member of the Month, Ron McCabe. Ron is the President of Everbearing Services, an agency based in Portland, OR that helps with all aspects of internet marketing. In order to get to know him better, we asked him all the important questions and are sharing them with you.

About Ron McCabe

Area(s) of Expertise
“PPC, SEO, Web / App Development”

What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“Everything is measurable and defined.”

What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?
“Strength in math and philosophy is helpful.”


Why are you a member of SEMpdx?
“I like to be on top of new trends or techniques.”

Who has been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
Brent Csutoras, He provided idea that were immediately applicable and useful “

Have you been to Engage (formerly SearchFest) and how many have you attended?
“Yes, Six.”

If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
Scott Hendison, Scott always provides practical and useful information about SEO”


If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“Bioengineering, Economist”

Favorite Beverage and why?
“Coffee…because you can sleep when you are dead.”

To Bacon or Not to Bacon?

Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“I have a serious board game addiction.”

Thanks, Ron!

Make sure to congratulate Ron on his status of Member of the Month at our next event!

The post Ron McCabe – December 2016 Member of the Month appeared first on SEMpdx.

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